Goodbye Setbacks: Why Aerial Solutions Is An Investment Worth Making

When most people think of drones, they think of them as gears used by photographers and travel enthusiasts. Did you know that they can do a lot more? Aerial solutions like drones have revolutionized the work scape for many industries, aiding companies to quickly carry out actions that took a lot of time and effort earlier. Drones are a multitasking wonder, and industries have started investing in acquiring aerial solutions. If your firm has not yet welcomed this technology, this guide will win you over. Read on to know why drones are transforming the industrial processes one take-off at a time.

Which industries should invest in aerial solutions?

The primary function that a drone serves is that it gives you a bird’s eye view of the entire work site. While this might not be a requirement for every firm, several hugely benefit from and mandatorily require regular surveillance of a large land area. For them, services like drone mapping and modeling and 3D laser scanning services can be game-changing. Any top aerial equipment provider will let you know that the following industries benefit the most from investing in drones:


  • Oil and Gas
  • Construction and Infrastructure
  • Architecture
  • Power and utilities

The actions that can be executed using drones make complicated work more effortless for these industries. If you are in a line of work that falls under the above categories, it is high time that you consider investing in these high-tech UASs.

What can drones do for these industries?

#1 Risk-management, prevention, and elimination:

Taking a full sweep of your entire work site ensures that any potential risk factor gets identified and eliminated immediately. Factories, construction sites, and industrial plants need site inspection and monitoring, and drones can efficiently perform these tasks. Your infrastructure is less likely to suffer a breakdown if 3D drone visualization becomes an integral part of your safety regulations. 

#2 Quick mapping and surveying:

Advanced drone technology allows you to gather site data transmitted by drones much quicker than manual data collection. It is more convenient to carry out a topographic survey of a vast area through functions like drone mapping and modeling. The most advanced droned will support remote team collaboration, volumetric calculations, data fusion, and hybrid mapping. 

#3 Progress monitoring and pre-construction survey:

Drones enable site surveys and pre-construction analysis for construction firms. You can quickly and precisely gauge the progress made at the site. You will also be able to access visual data in large-scale photogrammetry, and 2D and 3D forms. No need to assign the task of manual surveying to your workforce, which saves both time and manpower. 

#4 Thermal Imaging and Scanning:

The best aerial solutions provider will offer you UASs (Unmanned Aerial Systems) that have the in-built technology to carry out thermal imaging and detect anything unusual like excessive heating or abnormal current flow. It is always better to be safe than sorry, and utilizing this technology can alert you of the gravest dangers before things worsen. 

Won’t drones be a spectacular investment for your business? If you are thinking about ordering aerial systems, consider only the best to get your hands on the high-tech gears. You can check out Eye-bot for all your drone needs. A trusted provider of architectural laser scanning services and UAVs, Eye-bot is bringing the future to the present through its technology. Check out their website today to know more about how aerial vehicles like drones will upscale your business. 


How accurate will be the drone scans?

Drone scans will have an accuracy of 2-5 CM. 

Can drones navigate confined spaces?

Yes. A collision-tolerant drone is used to survey confined spaces. 


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